Joe G Service Award
Joe Goroncy was recently recognized for his 15 years of service with Kirk Trucking Service. Thanks you Joe for your 15 years of dedicated service.
JT Service Award
During out annual New Years celebration JT Catalano was recognized for 25 years of service with Kirk Trucking Service. Thank you JT for you many years of dedicated service.

October 2021 Driver of the Month
Ken Wright was selected as Driver of the Month for October 2021. Congrats to Ken for a job well done.

September 2021 Driver of the Month
Kevin Steele was selected Driver of the Month for September 2021. Congrats to Jamie for a job well done.

Jim’s 60th Birthday
We celebrated Jim’s 60th Birthday in September 2021 with good food and cake. We look forward to many more.

August 2021 Driver of the Month
Jamie McNemar was selected Driver of the Month for August 2021. Congrats to Jamie for a job well done.

July 2021 Driver of the Month
Jimmy Nickoloff was selected Driver of the Month for July 2021. Congrats to Jimmy for a job well done.

Kathy Retirement
Kathy has retired from Kirk Trucking Service in December 2024 after 32 years of full time service and she will be missed. Something tells us we haven’t seen the last of Kathy as she has agreed to come in on a part time basis during staff shortages or as business dictates. Congratulations Kathy and thank…

June 2021 Driver of the Month
Cori Smith was selected Driver of the Month for June 2021. Congrats to Cori for a job well done.